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Wood Cut-Out Paintings

For many years I have been drawn to standees, dummy boards and other cut-out figures, so in 2019, I began making my own small wood cut-out paintings to go on my bookshelves. I posted my pieces on Instagram and these small, accessibly-priced original oil on wood artworks quickly found an enthusiastic audience, and many new Carter Herrington Art collections have since been established! Due to the speed at which these pieces were created and shipped out, not many were photographed to the most exacting standards, unfortunately. Though the vast majority of these pieces (but not all-- look for the purchase button!) have sold, new commissions are always warmly welcomed; please contact me for further details.

God'll Get Ya For That!_edited
Jerry Hall_by_Carter Herrington_1
Carrie Prom
Carter Herrington_Sophia Loren_2021_1a
Eve Was Weak_Carter Herrington_edited_edited
Carter Herrington_Lynn Wyatt_Howdydo_1
Judy Garland Show Judy
Ann Bonfoey Taylor
Tammy Wynette
Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker
Lana Turner as Lora Meredith
lady bird_carter herrington_2022
Bobbie gentry 1_Carter Herrington_edited
Carter Herrington_Sylvia Miles_Myra gardener_1
Baby Jane 3
Dawn Davenport Pregnant
Carter Herrington_Belle Rosen_Shelley Winters_2021
Baby Jane 2
Carol channing
Ethel merman
Little Edie 2
baby Jane Lipstick
Pat Buckley
Female Trouble
Twin Lynn Wyatts
Big Edie
Mrs Vreeland 1
Doris Day
Jackie O
Mrs Taggart
Aunt Ida
Carter Herrington_PepsiCo_Joan Crawford_2020_01
Screenshot 2021-12-31 at 12-11-26 Carter Herrington ( carterherrington) • Instagram photos
Liza Minnellii_Arthur_Linda_Carter Herrington_2020_1
Liz Taylor as Martha_Carter Herrington_2020_3
jan hooks alamo tina_carter Herrington_2020_1
carter herrington_pearl Bailey_ 2020_01
Carter Herrington_Mrs. Slocombe_2021
Jessica Walter Play Misty for Me
Carter herrington_Lucille Bluth_2021
Carter Herrington_Mame and Vera_2021
Carter Herrington_Karen Black_2021
Carter herrington_Millie Lammoreaux_2021
Carter herrington_pat Ast_2021
Carter Herrington_Sophia Loren_Jayne Mansfield_1 - Copy
Carter Herrington_Mommie Dearest
Cookie Mueller_Carter Herrington_2021
Diana Vreeland_Carter Herrington_2021_5
Little Edie Scarf Carter Herrington
Little Edie with Mirror by Carter Herrington 2020
Nina Simone by Carter Herrington 2020
Carter Herrington Ann Miller 1
Carter Herrington Millie Lammoreaux 3 Women
Carter Herrington Big Edie Beale 1
Carter Herrington Dawn Davenport 1
Carol Channing_Muzzy_Carter Herrington_2020_1
Carter Herrington Pat Ast 1
carter herrington_carol channing_2020_01
carter herrington_bette davis_2020
carter herrington_Catherine Ohara_2020_2
Carter Herrington_Judy Garland_2020_8
carter herrington_imelda marcos_2020_1
Carter Herrington_Gloria Wandrous
Carter Herrington_Ethel Merman_2020
Carter Herrington_9 to 5_2021
Cookie Mueller
Carter Herrington_Cuddles_Francine_polyester_2021
Carter Herrington_Dolly Parton_2021
Carter Herrington_Grace Jones_2021
Carter Herrington_Eunice_Carol Burnett_2021_1
Carter Herrington_Endora_Agnes Moorhead_2021
Edith Massey 2021
Carter Herrington Divine 2020
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© 2022-23, Carter Herrington Original Art  All Rights Reserved

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